Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sleepy in Seattle

The Drive:
When I arrived in Seattle on Friday around 5 PM, I had one thought in my mind: I can't wait to get to sleep. I left Twin Rivers, ID Friday morning refreshed and ready to be done with my independent part of the trip. I was excited and eager to get to Seattle where Sarah was waiting for me. Little did I realize that Idaho/Oregon/Washington was going to be the roughest part of my trip. Though, I had only a "brief" 9 hour drive ahead of me, I was physically and mentally tired. Granted, I have no reason to be physically exhausted, but I hit "the Wall". In marathons, runners describe the moment when they want to give up and can go no further as "the Wall". (Side note: I have no real reference of this phenomenon except from my experience of watching Run, Fat Boy, Run). I hit my "wall" in Idaho, then again, in Oregon, and then again in Washington. Once I reached Boise (Idaho for those geographically challenged), I knew I needed to get pass my "wall" via caffeine, so I programmed "Jane" (my GPS) and together we found a Starbucks. Once caffieinated, I resumed to Oregon where the winding mountains and one lane highways awaited. I felt sick throughout Oregon and willed my way through to Washington where much to my relief was flatter than Oregon until I reached 60 miles outside of Seattle where bigger and more winding roads awaited. I persevered through and made it without vomiting. Yay!

Seattle is awesome:
I was craving Sushi for dinner, so Sarah, Michelle (Sarah's friend from high School), Ed (Michelle's boyfriend), and I went to a great restaurant in Pioneer Square. (This was after I almost vomited when Sarah was driving my car downtown and I got stuck on a hill) We knew the food would be great because other sushi lovers were there signing karaoke. We had a great meal and conversation and all I wanted to do was go to sleep, but out of politeness, I agreed to go have a drink after dinner. Ed took as to a fabulous brewery place in Fremont that had many pretentious beer (one called "love"), and we all had a round. I could sadly not finish mine, but was happy to be out and trying new things. Then I went to sleep the moment we got home.


  1. Jess, you have a new calling in LIFE, that of a travel writer.........enjoying your blogg....Dad

  2. I sure wish I could have enjoyed the sushi with you!!!

  3. Seattle is beautiful in the summer time only cause the rainy winters, do not let the lush green tempt you. Remember rates of suicide are extremely high, and that is cause the winters are no fun, no fun at all.

  4. by the way...forrest gump RAN !!!! you are driving...your trip does not parrarell him....i cannot spell.....sounds like you are having was 97 degrees today in texas
